1. 2001 Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Induction List
2. 2001 Warren Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee Photo
3. Committee Member (2015 Phyllis Abbruzzi Award Inductee) Martha Delekta and Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn
4. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and Athlete Inductee Buzz Barry
5. Athlete Inductee Linda Ferrara Hawkins
6. Athlete Inductee Jennifer Hicks Perrotti
7. Athlete Inductee Joe Penkala and Committee Member (1999 Athlete Inductee) and sister, Beth Penkala
8. Committee Chairman Jack Flynn (2001 Contributor Inductee) and John Jannitto accepting Contributor Induction for his late father Freddy Jannitto Sr.
9. Athlete Inductee Donald “Duck” Ramsden and Committee Member Stan Gosselin
10. Athlete Inductee Thomas McKale and Committee Member Ben Ferrazzano III
11. Athlete Inductee Mike Merolla
12. Coach Inductee Dick Brochu and Committee Member Nick Jamiel
13. Athlete Inductee Francis “Tut” Jamiel and Committee Member (2006 Athlete Inductee) Jay Barry
14. Committee Chairman (2001 Contributor Inductee) Jack Flynn and George Andrade accepting Athlete induction for his late father George “Chico” Andrade
15. Committee Member (2005 Athlete Inductee) Butch Lombardi with Athlete Inductee Ken Medeiros and Committee Member (2011 Athlete Inductee) Jim McMahon
16. Committee Member (2005 Athlete Inductee) Butch Lombardi and 2000 Athlete Inductee John Abbruzzi who accepted Athlete induction for his late brother Abby Abbruzzi
17. Michael Abbruzzi was joined by his extended family in accepting the special award that was named for his late mother Phyllis Andreozzi Abbruzzi